From a recent article from Business Wire, we learned about a YCharts survey on millennial saving patterns. More than half of all millennials are saving 12% or more of their pre-tax income. On top of that most of them are not using a financial advisor and have no plans to. 53% of those that participated in the survey are happy as “DIY” investors that are happy to maintain their own investments and brokerage accounts. Despite the bad rep that many millennials get for not saving or investing, it really seems that those that are investing are simply not opting to use a financial advisor.
This article gives a lot of great advice for how financial advisors can try to appeal to these investors: be resourceful, maintain an online presence, make them feel like they play an active role, etc. This is all great advice for making sure you stay relevant to young investors that already aren’t predisposed to working with an advisor. It really seems that a lot of what this new generation of investors is looking for is cutting edge knowledge, wide sources of information, independence, and understanding. In an age where investors can simply google any question they have about saving and finance to get millions of resources, advisors need to make sure they are on top of the curve.