AI that will help you start a conversation with a plan sponsor


In the highly competitive world of retirement plan advising, getting your foot in the door with a plan sponsor can often feel like an uphill battle. As Daniel Satchkov, President of RiXtrema, emphasizes, the biggest challenge advisors face is that initial contact. Plan sponsors are busy, focused on running their businesses, and their retirement plans often aren’t top of mind. So how do you break through?

Email campaigns and LinkedIn integrations have been staples in outreach strategies, but RiXtrema is always seeking new and more effective ways to connect advisors with plan sponsors. Enter the new 401kAI Personal Summary, a game-changing feature designed to open doors through a personalized, thoughtful approach.

Beyond the Plan: A Personal Approach to Connection

For many plan sponsors, diving straight into conversations about their retirement plans may feel too sensitive. After all, discussions about fiduciary risks and plan deficiencies can put sponsors on the defensive. That’s where the 401kAI Personal Summary comes in it offers a novel way to connect without immediately focusing on the plan.

This tool leverages RiXtrema’s proprietary AI, which not only understands financial data but also creates personalized conversation starters based on the personal and professional history of the sponsor. These insights are designed to foster a connection and build trust, setting the stage for future discussions about their plan.

Imagine this: Instead of leading with, “Your plan has red flags,” you begin with, “What inspired you to co-found your company, and how has your vision evolved over the years?” This simple yet effective approach shows genuine interest in the sponsor’s journey and expertise, creating a much more favorable environment for future conversations.

Real-World Example: How It Works

Daniel used his own background as a test case to demonstrate the effectiveness of this feature. The AI-generated conversation starters for him were personalized and insightful:

  • “What inspired you to co-found RiXtrema, and how has your vision evolved?”
  • “Can you share some insights on the merger between RiXtrema and L’Arcspur?”
  • “How do you think teamwork translates to leadership in business?”

These are the types of questions that not only get a conversation going but also show that the advisor has done their homework. It’s this personal touch that can make all the difference in securing that first meeting or phone call.

Personalized Emails: Tailored to the Individual

In addition to conversation starters, the 401kAI Personal Summary also generates personalized email subject lines and even complete emails based on the sponsor’s history. Advisors can choose from a variety of email subjects, click a button, and instantly generate a bespoke email. This isn’t a generic template it’s an email tailored to the sponsor’s career and interests, ensuring the message resonates.

For example, Daniel highlighted a subject line that reads, “Discuss portfolio crash testing enhancements,” which is a topic he is passionate about. The AI then generates a full email that references his specific contributions to financial tools and innovations, making the outreach personal and engaging.

Expanding Opportunities with 401kAI

The 401kAI Personal Summary offers access to over three million executives across different companies, allowing advisors to reach plan sponsors they may have never considered before. With this tool, there’s no longer an excuse not to sell you now have the means to connect with plan sponsors on a personal level, breaking the ice and building relationships before diving into plan specifics.

This feature is the culmination of months of development, backed by extensive data, engineering, and marketing expertise. It’s designed to dramatically increase your chances of getting that all-important first meeting, giving you the best possible shot at winning the plan.

Join the Conversation and Win Big

To help advisors leverage this new feature, RiXtrema will host the annual “Win Big Plans Challenge,” which includes three live sessions in December. These sessions will dive deeper into how you can use the 401kAI Personal Summary and other features to secure more plan sponsors and ultimately grow your business.

In the meantime, the 401kAI Personal Summary is already available in the L’Arcspur Executive platform, and we encourage you to start exploring this powerful tool.

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