Rise of Fintech Startups: Transforming Traditional 401(k) Plan Advisory Services
Retirement planning has become a paramount concern for individuals seeking financial security in their golden years. Among the various retirement savings options available, 401(k) plans have gained significant popularity in the corporate world.
AI in Finance: Challenges and Opportunities for Risk-Averse Advisors
As AI continues to improve, it is gradually transforming the finance industry. While it offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of financial tasks, many advisors remain hesitant about implementing it.
How to Avoid 401(k) Theft in 2023
According to a Javelin 2019 survey, 14.4 million participants became victims of identity theft in 2018. Every plan sponsor should take care of this problem beforehand to avoid a serious risk to their plan participants.
SECURE 2.0: Over-Rated or Game-Changing?
The SECURE 2.0 Act was signed by President Biden on December 29, 2022 as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2023.
Questions Plan Sponsors Should Ask Retirement Plan Advisers
The relationship with a financial adviser is key for retirement and the financial health of a plan sponsor’s employees. Advisers should become more knowledgeable not only about retirement, but also about other aspects of retirement planning.
Wild Spikes in Commodity Prices as a result of Russian – Ukrainian conflict
Commodity prices have soared significantly over the past month, there were several factors that lead to this, the major one being high demand due to supply interruption because of war in Ukraine.