

The Basics of a “Killer” Quiz Marketing Strategy?

When setting out to craft a quiz funnel it is important to remember that you are creating primarily a marketing quiz. That does not mean that the quiz taker does not receive any value. They do. But the value is your offer. The genius of quiz funnel marketing is disguising its marketing intentions by providing value to the individual taking the quiz. 

How to Write Irresistable Emails That Must be Opened

Not only are many of us too busy for marketing, but we’ve not practiced copywriting. As we learned in talking to a premier copywriter, Jack Turk, the secret is writing fast. Writing fast keeps you from over-thinking your language. You remember the old acronym: KISS. Well, here’s a friendly reminder to Keep IT Simple, Stupid. :) 

Why Quiz Marketing Should Be a Part of Your Next Marketing Campaign

They’re more than just those silly Disney character quizzes that kids take to procrastinate. The rapid adoption of quiz funnels is just one more example of how if you’re not innovating and experimenting with new marketing methods, then you’re falling behind. This article is just the quick first part of a more extended discussion about quiz funnels, but we all have to start somewhere. So let’s take a quick dive into it.