The Groundwork for success

Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing. – Mike Volpe

This quote by Mike Volpe should be used as a recipe by any financial adviser who wants to propel his practice to new heights with marketing. There are countless articles, books and workshops on the subject. However, not all of it is relevant to the specifics of the advisory business. Here at RiXtrema, we write extensively on marketing practices for financial advisors.

We recognize that marketing is a crucial component of any successful financial practice. Also, we understand that most advisors have limited time and resources to dedicate to marketing. This is why we created the Larkspur Executive suite


Marketing by trial and error


Larkspur Executive software is the comprehensive solution for retirement plan analysis and marketing. Depending on the subscription tier, an adviser can access a number of great features including :


All these marketing tools were created to address both the importance of marketing and time constraints, mentioned above. The Larkspur Executive is best viewed as a digital marketing assistant. The value add is huge for any financial advisory practice.

For example, the onboarding process covers in-depth training on how to set up your first marketing  campaign. In addition, a dedicated client success rep is assigned throughout the subscription ensuring you get the best bang for your buck. Our goal is to assist advisors to become self-sufficient marketers, who can build and maintain a steady pipeline of leads to grow their business.

Marketing is a process which requires creativity and experimentation. It is essential to be able to create a marketing campaign and track its success. You want to be in the cockpit to control the process and have the ability to replace any underperforming components in a campaign.One metric we use in Larkspur Executive is the open rate of marketing letters.


Tools for success


Larkspur Executive offers advisors the executive dashboard to customize, set up, run, and track campaigns. Once the preset process of selecting retirement executives, customizing marketing templates and setting up your first campaign is completed, you will be good to go.

Campaign Dashboard (Figure 1) will have all your active and completed campaigns listed with the number of sent and opened emails. This is a very important metric of how successful a campaign is. If the number of opened emails is high relative to the number of emails sent, then the campaign is a success.

Figure 1.


However, a high rate of opened emails cannot be guaranteed every time. As an active marketer it is your responsibility to keep track of that. A low rate of opened emails must be investigated and appropriate actions must be taken. When investigating a low rate of opened emails a few questions can be asked. Firstly, what went wrong?

Secondly, how can I remedy the situation? You can answer your first question by looking at the templates you used and see how they put together. Our software allows a great degree of customization. You can create templates using our dynamic parameters to address specific concerns found in the plans to grab a plan sponsor’s attention. Or you can modify our templates to make them more personal. The best ideas of which templates to use are the Email Templates (Figure 2) section of the dashboard.

Figure 2.


It provides you with important statistics on which email templates are more popular among plan sponsors and which ones get the most attention. Knowing which templates get the most attention allows you to create a better campaign by starting with the most popular ones. Again, creativity and experimentation are the keys to marketing success. Use the information you have to strive for better campaigns and open rates. Ultimately, the relatively small amount of time and effort you will put into designing a great campaign will pay big dividends over time; in the form of  qualified leads/future clients.

At RiXtrema, we value our relationship with clients and excel in assisting them to succeed using our tools. Please feel free to reach out with any questions at

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