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Portfolio Crash Test

How RIAs are Attracting AUM With Technology

How are you leveraging technology to grow your business or find more free time?A 2019 study of Advisors by Cerulli Associates found a direct link between AUM and technology use. “Heavy” technology-using advisory firms have an average of $238.0 million in AUM compared to $106.3 million for “light” competitors. Cerulli found that advisory firms can attract AUM because they spend 34% less time resolving client service issues and have 24% more time on practice management activities. Technology does more than

Coronavirus Follow-up

COVID-19 gives us a rare opportunity to watch a stress play out in real time. And in this case, I actually made a prediction for how markets would react, so this blog will look at the progress of the virus and the suitability of the original prediction given the passage of time.