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Risk management

Pension Plans: Are They Coming Back in a New Form?

Defined Contribution plans like 401(k)s have almost replaced pension plans entirely, although many plan providers and insurance companies are trying to make DC and pension plans similar in a number of ways. The latest step in that direction has been to include guaranteed income options in 401(k)s, which will be tested out soon in the market.

What’s happening in Reg-BI Compliance Court?

With a Republican administration believing in small Federal government, I think it is safe to say that the SEC may defer to States to oversee and enforce Reg-BI’s new standards. With thousands of affected people in the financial services industry, this may make logistical sense. It means that RIA and BDs may experience different levels of scrutiny, depending on where they work.

Participant Direct Connects You With Plan Members

Do you know that more than one-in-five participants have no interactions with their plan providers throughout a year? Based on the report published by J.D. Power, there are 29% of the plan participants who unaware of the access to professional financial advice related to their plan.It is truly astonishing to see such a disconnect between the participants and plan providers. According to the same report, approximately 40% of surveyed plan participants ranked their relationship with the plan providers to be either indifferent or dissatisfactory.

How RIAs are Attracting AUM With Technology

How are you leveraging technology to grow your business or find more free time?A 2019 study of Advisors by Cerulli Associates found a direct link between AUM and technology use. “Heavy” technology-using advisory firms have an average of $238.0 million in AUM compared to $106.3 million for “light” competitors. Cerulli found that advisory firms can attract AUM because they spend 34% less time resolving client service issues and have 24% more time on practice management activities. Technology does more than