

Participant Direct Connects You With Plan Members

Do you know that more than one-in-five participants have no interactions with their plan providers throughout a year? Based on the report published by J.D. Power, there are 29% of the plan participants who unaware of the access to professional financial advice related to their plan.It is truly astonishing to see such a disconnect between the participants and plan providers. According to the same report, approximately 40% of surveyed plan participants ranked their relationship with the plan providers to be either indifferent or dissatisfactory.

Why Quiz Marketing Should Be a Part of Your Next Marketing Campaign

They’re more than just those silly Disney character quizzes that kids take to procrastinate. The rapid adoption of quiz funnels is just one more example of how if you’re not innovating and experimenting with new marketing methods, then you’re falling behind. This article is just the quick first part of a more extended discussion about quiz funnels, but we all have to start somewhere. So let’s take a quick dive into it.