The Investor Revolt Continues In The Wrong Direction

The «investor revolt» continues. According to Investment Company Institute, US equity funds have outflows of $17.5 billion in August on top of the $28.58 billion in July. These are very serious numbers. Overall, investors have pulled $50.3 billion out of US equity mutual funds in the past quarter. What is also staggering is that they also withdrew $46.18 billion from bond funds during the same period. Seems like Main Street is fed up with risk and wants to be rid of it. At RiXtrema, we have warned our clients about increasing risk levels since at least June of 2015, as have many other risk managers. So, at first look, it seems like a sensible step for investors to take some risk off the table.
But what did investors do with that money? The answer will surprise you. Read insights from our research published by the Financial Advisor Magazine

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