Upd: 16 Jun, 2023
In 2023, email marketing is now as important as it has ever been. Despite what some people may think, email as a platform for reaching out to prospects is actually more effective than ever. It’s quick, easy, and a direct line to most people. Especially during a time where many people aren’t going into their office every day, email can be the best way to reach people.
Most studies show that having at least 6-7 touches on a prospect is optimal in order to meaningfully engage with them. Sending email campaigns using an automated system is therefore the easiest way to get this done.
Using the Larkspur Executive Pro and Pro Plus, we’ve made a platform where you can do exactly that—al you need to do is create your list of prospects using our 5500 database and then you can be sending entirely automated email campaigns to them on auto-pilot. Here are a few reason why it’s important to make sure once you start this process, you need to keep up and continue to send out campaigns.
If you aren’t sending email campaigns, your pipeline will stagnate: It’s needless to say that if you aren’t actively sending out email marketing, you won’t have any success in that department. Using our Larkspur Executive Pro, you can send an email campaign to up to 300 individuals simultaneously. Once the drip campaign has finished sending out for a set of leads, you need to keep lining up more campaigns to go out so that you always have new emails sending out to your pipeline.
Marketing and sales requires consistency: If you are a plan advisor, you know already that sales is incredibly important to your job. To succeed at this, you need to stay consistent with your process. We’ve developed tons of tools within Larkspur Pro and Pro Plus to help make sure you can have a quick and efficient workflow. Sending out biweekly or monthly campaigns to new prospects on a regular schedule will be critical to making sure you always have something to do and you can keep a consistent process.
Reaching out quickly to your prospect is essential: If you are able to call your prospect within 1 minute, you are extremely more likely to close business. In order to do this, make sure you have our iPhone or Android app and turn notifications on! Once someone opens an email, you’ll get a notification to call them right when they open an email. To make sure this strategy is effective, you need to always make sure you have email campaigns going out so that new people are opening every day, giving you more chances to call and get people on the phone.
All in all, it really is a no-brainer to make sure that you are utilizing any email marketing tools you have to the fullest. It’s easy to fall behind, especially with a busy schedule, but it’s critical to any business growth to make sure you can keep up with marketing. If you aren’t keeping up with your own marketing campaigns, you can be sure someone else is, and that is who is going to come out on top.