Why You Should Upgrade From Planisphere To Larkspur Executive

  1. Improved user interface and cleaner presentation
  2. Ratings and benchmarks to compare plan sponsors
  3. More data than ever before
  4. Customized Trackable Marketing Letters (CTML)
  5. Prospect. Analyze. Contact. Profit.


Transitioning to Larkspur Executive can radically streamline your marketing efforts and present analytics to clients like you’re in the 21st century.

Improved user interface and cleaner presentation


Let’s face it. Planisphere’s user interface is showing it’s age. Like an all original 1930’s bungalow, it was time for a complete makeover.  Larkspur Executive’s (LEXE) sleek user interface means that you can proudly display charts and analysis during a client meeting. You can search with a map and select filters while seeing in real-time the number of plans in LEXE’s database.


Figure 1: Larkspur Executive’s rating system cleanly presents complex analytics

Ratings and benchmarks to compare plan sponsors


Larkspur Executive gives you benchmark ratings to quickly assess a plan’s performance next to 1000s of similar plans (Figure 1). LEXE’s rating system allows you to quickly find plans that have a low rate of return, high fees, and lots of rollover prospects. A plan’s rating is useful for providing context to its key metrics. A plan may have had a rate of return of -3% in 2018, but it is difficult to know if that is good or not. A quick comparison to a -6% benchmark average tells you that the plan is better than most. We ranked all plans within a 0-100 to determine the difference between the plan and an average. So, if the plan’s rating is 85, then you know that only 15% of other similar plans had a higher rate of return.

It’s a powerful statement to tell a plan sponsor they underperform their peers and rank in the lowest x%. These benchmark ratings speak volumes in LEXE’s customizable, clean, and downloadable PDFs. Choose which reports which you would like to include and upload your own logo which appears on the cover page and in the header. It is a great way to show a plan sponsor the most relevant benchmarks, charts or reports.

More data than ever before


Larkspur Executive contains thousands of emails and LinkedIn profiles of plan sponsor executives.  This database is a collective effort of the RiXtrema engineers and data team to collect, clean and test the validity of contact information for every executive on the list. It is growing daily and more new executive contacts become available for our users.

Just as in Planisphere, you can view a decade worth of 5500 documents but LEXE will identify historical red flags and fiduciary violations. Furthermore, no other provider datapoints on 10 years of historical service provider data fees and commissions and we provide historical graphs to easily compare performance (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Historical graphs allow for easy performance comparisons

Customized Trackable Marketing Letters (CTML)


Often marketing for prospects is a numbers game, and with Larkspur Executive you can screen plan sponsors and send a marketing email in just a few clicks or print a direct mail package. You can choose from a selection of our premade templates or upload your own template letter to display statistics, ratings, and red flags that will seize a plan sponsor’s attention. Then, LEXE will notify you when your email is opened, so you can experiment with different language and templates to refine your marketing strategy.


In short, Larkspur Executive improves upon the prospecting and analytical tools in Planisphere and provides more data in an improved interface. It is easier to search for plan sponsors and present risk factors, underperformance, and fiduciary violations to clients. LEXE’s CTML and direct mail tools can streamline your marketing efforts and increase the number of contacts you can make to prospects with minimal effort.

Prospect. Analyze. Contact. Profit.


Please contact our Client Success Team if you are interested in learning more or have any questions about Larkspur Executive’s advantages to Planisphere at clientsuccess@rixtrema.com. Read more about the features and tools in Larkspur Executive at our blog where we cover markets and analyze economic trends to inform financial advisors.

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