Growing your 401(k) business is about delivering value, plain and simple. If you demonstrate unique value in your proposal by optimizing the costs and benefits of a retirement plan, then you can easily justify your fees. But what do you with that great analysis when the CFO or signed administrator doesn’t respond? How can you find out who you need to get in touch with? Finding the right decision maker for a retirement plan can be an exhausting and difficult process. This is why we released Larkspur Executive, a joint effort by the newly merged RiXtrema & Larkspur. The database contains 1.2+ million plan executives with social network profiles, other contact information and a way to find your warm lead in the company. We’ve streamlined the process, so now you can do an amazing plan analysis and locate a lead into the company all at once. Here is how you can provide a stunning analysis of any 401(k) plan and then locate your leads in the company without skipping a beat.

After you bring in a new retirement plan to prospect, you can create a compelling, quantitative break-down of the plan’s investments all in neatly prepared report. The next step in this process is of course to get this report in the hands of someone who can read it. With the Larkspur Executive, all you need to do is press the tab that says “Executive”, and you will be tapped into our new database. This report lists off all of the Key Executives for the plan as well as their contact info and social media links. With this info you can network directly with the people you need to talk to. Even more you can request email addresses for any of these executives and we will include it for you. On top of this, you can even sync your own LinkedIn account to uncover any direct or 2nd connections that you have already at the company, whether they are a Key Executive or not. Additionally, we include any email addresses, phone numbers, or other social media profiles for the company that are available. See an example below:

This brand new feature will allow you to completely streamline your process of uncovering leads, and then getting in touch with them. Find out how you can take advantage of this amazing database and use it to grow you retirement plan practice like never before by signing up for your free demo now:

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  1. Pingback : 10 Hidden Features of Larkspur-RiXtrema You Need to Know About

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