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Portfolio Crash Test

The Rise Of Financial Wellness Apps

Financial wellness is not necessarily related to being wealthy or even rich. It is about being on top of your finances and moving towards your financial goals. It requires being financially literate and having good control of your expenses.

Election Day Commentary

If you have followed the polls you know that it is widely expected that Joe Biden will be the next president of the US. Two well-known poll aggregators, FiveThirtyEight and the Economist give Biden a 90% and 97% chance of victory on the eve of the election.

Is the Prospect of a Biden Win Powering the Yuan?

People have been asking (a lot) for election scenarios. What will markets do if Biden wins? What will they do if Trump wins? And I have covered those topics here and here. As time ticks on and the situation changes (Supreme Court vacancy anyone?), prognostications may become further removed from actual results.

Are you a 21st Century Wealth Advisor?

As I wrote before, the Coronavirus lockdown was a beta test for remote work, but it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. The question falls to all of us:“Am I measuring up to my competition and adapting to the new environment?”Advisors don’t have to look far to learn where the industry is going. Before the lockdown forced all of us to see the potential in working remotely, Broadridge reached some startling conclusions about technology use by financial advisors. They surveyed 1,500 investment providers, including 250 wealth advisors, to find, in general, that they are not taking advantage of the benefits and high ROI of technological adoption.