SYNOPSIS : In this video we will take a look at running our first search on LE for the very first time, we will talk about the tools that are available to us to really narrow down our search and learn how to use LE`s powerful database to prospect potential clients. Welcome back to another quick guide tutorial - Today`s video is about doing your first search Using Larkspur executive. As you might know that there are two aspects to Larkspur, on the one hand it is a prospecting tool with a vast database of plans and executive and the on the other hand it is a very powerful marketing tool. We will be focusing on the prospecting aspect of larkspur executive for this video. To start we will scroll down and hit on the advanced search option - Once inside the advanced search page, you will see that we have all the tools that we need to really narrow down our search. Let us start by typing in a random Zip code, we would choose the area from the drop down menu when prompted, a radius of 5 mile should be enough. We will scroll down to the Sponsor section and have key executives with emails available selected, what that will do is tell the system to show us only plans for which we have verified email addresses available so that we can start prospecting right away. Now... on the left we have the sections headers, they also act as a navigational meny, for example if I were to click on "plan" then the page would automatically scroll to the plan section, here we can set a bracket for the number of participants....lets define a range of say....100 - 200, and as you apply your filters, you will notice that the number of plans found on the top right corner changes. We will select the plan type as Defined contribution. Now lets ckick and scroll to the financial section, here we can define the asset size for the plans, for the purpose of this demo let us put in a bracket of 1 mil. to 10 million and lets see where that takes us. Incase you are not happy with the number of plans found then we can always scroll up and increase the Zip radius. Next we will click on the ratings section - Every plan we have in Larkspur are rated from a 1-100, 1 being the lowest and 100 is the highest, now lets say we want to prospect first for plans which are rated below average... Go after those low hanging fruits first... We can put in a bracket of lets say 10 - 40. The funds, providers and the actuary section all work the same way and the industry section is for you to include or exclude a specific business code. Once ready, you can either click on the Search Button or the number of plans found - The way the list populates is that the highest rated plans at on the top and the lowest rated are at the bottom, we can ofcourse change that by changing the sort direction - We can also change the sort type but for the most part we will keep it at default. That concludes our first training video, I hope you found it useful and as always you can reach out to your Client Success Rep for a more indepth training. Thanks again for tunning in, You have a fantastic rest of the day.
SYNOPSIS: In this video we will look at the different internal reports that are available to us once we dive deep into individual plans, how the rating system works- What are red flags and how does the fiduciary risk factors affect a plans overall plan rating. We will also look at the list of executives that are attached to a plan and how to request for more verified email addresses as well as export PDF reports for your prospects. Once you click on a plan, you will be automatically directed to the Summary page what that is, is a brief overview of how the plan is performing - On the top we have the name of the plan,the total number of participants for the plan, the type of plan and also the ability to send an individual Marketing letter...Something that we will cover in a different video. Now if we scroll down a bit, you will see the overall rating for the plan, if you hit the "Show more Button" it will expand all the factors that LE is taking into consideration to calculate the overall plan rating. Now if you Hover over the "Question Mark Icon" - A popup will explain the methodology behind the calculations. The Blue bar on the left is reperesenting the current plan in use and the Red on the right is an average of all the other plans of similar asset size. I say size because the benchmarking we are using currently is Size. We have the option to Cycle through three benchmarking systems - Size, State and Business, You will notice that when you select a different benchmark, the rating changes. Now if we Scroll down, you will see a list of Contacts that are available, Hit on "Show More" and you will get the whole list of available contacts along with their verified emails and their Linkedin Profiles. But if you feel that you dont have enough contacts for a particular plan then you can click on the "Request Emails" Button - What that does is that it sends a request to our inhouse Data team, who then look for more verified contacts and email addressses. It usually takes them 24 - 48 hours to fullfill that request. You may also add your own contacts by clicking on the "Add Executive" button. It actvates a Pop up form, which once filled adds a contact for that particular plan and is only exclusively availabe to your profile. If you scroll down you will see the list of historical Red Flags that are associated with the plan - These are derived from the file 5500 form and specifically from the plan features. If you want to know what a particular Red flag mean then you can click and expand them to see the defination of a particular Red flag. Now if we scroll down further then we have a list of TOP Fiduciary risk factors, they are similar to red flags, the major difference being that they are rated from a 1 to 10 and anything that is 5 and Above is considered a major risk factor and they are deducted from the overall plan rating. For example here we have two major risk factors one is rated at 5 and the other one is a 10. So the overall plan rating would have been 26 but its stands at 11 because he system is deducting 15 points from the Overall rating. Now lets see what other reports we have available to us, we have the financial information report which is where all the financial information for the plan to be found in the 5500 filing is consolidated in one place so that you can have a quick overview of the plan, should you need to do so. The Plan history report is interesting, its a graphical represntation of how various aspects of the plan has performed over the years. All of these can ofcourse be exported as a PDF report or sent as an email to your prospect. The providers list is where you can find a list of providers that were disclosed in the 5500 filling, the services they provide and the commission that they earn. The plan benchmarking report is kind of the backbone of the overall rating system, it shows where the current plan stands when its compared to other plans of similar asset size. We say size again because the benchmarking is set to size, we can change the benchmarking from here as well or we can change the switch to a different kind of graph which shows were each aspect of the plan stand when compared other plans of, again - Asset Size. Lastly we have the option to Compare a Plan to their competitors - We can add a plan for comparison and stack them against each other to see how a rival plan might be performinhg when compared to the current one. All of these, again , can be exported as a PDF report - We can click on the drop down menu next to the "Send marketing Letter" button and then click on Generate PDF report - That will activate a popup menu which has all give us further option to include or exclude various report. We will keep the size at a4, We can also upload our own logo amd add our own disclosure. Once you are ready then hit on the generate PDF report.
SYNOPSIS: In this video we will look at sending individual marketing letters to prospects from within the plan summary reports page through your outlook, using the numerous email templates that comes pre-installed with your LE sunscription. Now that we know how the internal plan reports look like, lets take a look at sending a marketing letter from within LE, this is different from sending a batch campaign which we will cover in a separate video. A marketing letter can be sent from the Summary page report, once here you will see an Orange button on the top right corner that says "Send Marketing Letter", once you click on that button you will get a pop up menu with a list of all available executives and their email addresses. You select the executive you want to engage and you are prompted next with a list of templates that is available to you. By default all LE users have access to two list of Campaigns : namely "Public Templates" and "Jack turk templates", they are both written by professional copy writers and would be emailed to you once you signup by your Client Success Rep. Once you have selected your template, all you have to do is hit the "Generate Email" button which will then open up the email in your outlook and its now ready to be sent out to your prospect.
SYNOPSIS:In this video we will learn to create templates for our batch campaigns which are the back bone of LE`s automated marketing campaign engine. We will learn how to create a simple drip campaign using exisiting templates, how to add wait intervals between each marketing letter and add notifications for a campaign. Hey welcome to another quick tip tutorial and today we will be looking at how to create your Batch campaign template before you run your email marketing campaign - LE Pro has the capability to engage multiple prospects from a list of plan by sending them emails simultaneosly. These email campaigns will be fully automated and you can define the wait intervals between each emails You can access the template creator by clicking on the PRO option on the top navigational menu, and then click on "Campaigns Template" from the menu on the left. You pro account will come pre-Installed with two templates, the public campaign template and JT campaign templates - Both of which were written by proffesional copy writers. But on this video we will discuss how to create your own campaign templates - We start by scrolling up to the top of the page and then click on the add template, we can give it any name we want but for the purpose of this demo, lets just call it test.
SYNOPSIS: In this indepth video tutorial we will take a look at how to run our batch campaign, both from a search list and from within individual plan reports. We will know about the tools that are available to us for a more targeted email campaign. Welcome back to another quick guide tutorial - So now that we know how to create campaigns to run your batch campaigns, lets take a look at how to run your campaigns once the templates have been set up. Now there two ways of running a batch campaign, one way is to go the summary report page of an individual plan to run the campaign specifically for that campaign. The other method and the one that we will be showing you on this video is to run it directly from the search list that you generate using the advanced search option ( something that we have covered thoroughly in a separate video). So once the list of plan that you want to run the batch campaign for is ready, click on the round button with the thee dots on the top right corner of the page, once you expand that menu - You will see that you have various options including the ability to export an entire list. We focus on the first one that says "Create Batch Campaign", once you click on that you will be prompted to define a range, which means that the system is asking you to choose for how many plans you would like the email campaigns to run for - For the pupose of this demo lets jusy say that we want to run a campaign for the first 20 plans in the list. Once you hit next, LE gives you a list of plans that would targeted and you have the option to select all or exclude certains plans should you choose to do so. Once satisfied with your list, simply hit the select button and you would be taken to the next step which is to select a campaign template from a list of templates that you have, hit next and that would start the email verification process. The system here is making sure that the email addresses we are targeting are valid, once the process is complete, you would be able to start the batch campaign. On a side note you can click the settings option to further tune your marketing campaign should you need to do so. Once you hit the start button, the campaign will start and you will be notified on your desktop app, android or apple phone app and the web app. You will also recieve all campaign related notifications simultaneously on the apps as well. That concludes our video, thank you so much for tunning in - Until next time, you guys have a great day!
SYNOPSIS: In this Video we will look at the inbuilt CRM that comes with your LE PRO subscription, how it works and what functionality is available to you. We will also talk about how it automatically populates with a list of prospect that reads the email letters sent to them via larkspur powerful batch campaign engine. Welcome back to another quick guide tutorial - Today we will look at the CRM that is built in to your Larkspur Pro Subscription. As you might know from watching the previous videos that all the email letters that are sent out of Le, be it a single marketing letter or a batch campaign are tracked. What that means is that everytime someone opens your email, you get a notification Simultaneosly on your Desktop App, your apple or android phone and the web app. What we didnt talk about earlier is that when a prospect reads your email...they are added as a lead to your LE`s inbuilt CRM as well. You can add your own lead by clicking on the "Add lead" button on the top right corner or export your list of leads as well to a format of choice. Once a lead is added to your Larkspur`s built in CRM then you have access to all the functionalities that you might have come to expect from any other CRM that you currently use or have used in the past. You have the ability to assign and change the Status of your lead, You can click on the Prospects name to enter the info page and then you have the option to add further information about the prospect. You have access to information like what Plan the lead is associated with and can even open up the plan in LE with the click of a button, should you need to do so. Notes can be added inside the info page as well, you have access to the emails that the prospect has read, campaigns that were sent to lead- the ability to add attachment and assign tasks that will show up uder the Task Dashboard. That concludes what we call a basic overview of how your in built CRM functions and what can be expected from it. As it is with every other product, you can always contact your Client Success Rep. should you need a more detailed over view of Larkspur`s CRM. Thanks again for tunning in, you have a fantastic day.