5 Articles for the financial advisor weekend reading list: November 10-11, 2018
Here are five suggested articles for financial advisors to read this weekend:
1. Benchmarking Target Date Funds Requires a Solid Baseline – Benchmarking Target Date Funds requires a solid baseline, an accurate peer group, and a knowledgeable retirement plan advisor.
2. DOL Wants Your Opinion on 401k Auto Portability – Do you have a strong opinion about auto portability? Now’s the time to speak up.
3. The Latest In Financial Advisor #FinTech (November 2018)– Welcome to the November 2018 issue of the Latest News in Financial Advisor #FinTech – where we look at the big news, announcements, and underlying trends and developments that are emerging in the world of technology solutions for financial advisors and wealth management!
4. Open MEP Opportunities: A Look at the Compliance Challenges, as Well – President Donald Trump’s executive order signed on August 31, and efforts in Congress such as the Retirement Enhancement and Savings Act of 2018 (RESA) are strong indicators that open multiple employer plans or “open MEPs” will become more attractive in the not too distant future.
5. SEC tests show investors don’t understand disclosure form for brokers, advisers – Investor advocates: Agency still has a lot of work to do on Form CRS