Here are the most popular blog posts for the month of September 2018 from the Larkspur-Rixtrema team. Be sure to catch up on this month’s top articles:
5. How to Become an Expert on 404c Safe Harbor For Your Plan Sponsor Clients. Under ERISA plan sponsors or advisors who exercise discretionary authority are fiduciaries with significant liability in case of fiduciary duty violation. Section 404(c) provides safe harbor protection fiduciaries in case plan participants experience investment losses. How do you obtain that protection?…Continue Reading
4. What you need to know about the Crash Rating in Portfolio Crash Testing. Crash Rating is a number used to measure the risk of a portfolio. It is a representation of the loss a portfolio may incur during our worst stress-testing scenarios. Here are 5 things that you need to know about the Crash Rating in Portfolio Crash Testing…Continue Reading
3. Your 1 minute case study on 401K Retirement Plans: Maximizing Plan Performance. A look at the Summary report of a random plan and how it is optimized it in terms of performance, and cost-efficiency. As you already know the 401kFiduciaryOptimizer algorithm automatically provides you with cheaper but highly similar funds, but have you ever thought about improving the performance of the alternative plan?...Continue Reading
2. 6 Best Practices For Reaching a Busy Plan Sponsor. At Larkspur-RiXtrema, we have built our software, 401kFiduciaryOptimizer, to help you do just that, but we also know that there is a bit more to the process when it comes to reaching out to these plan sponsors. We’ve put together a few strategies to consider when getting in front of these companies and how to successfully reach out to a busy plan sponsor…Continue Reading
1. What the Trump Executive Order on Retirement Means for Advisors and Plan Sponsors. President Trump with his Executive Order on Retirement plans expanded the horizons of better retirement to many people who before had no chance to retire comfortably and securely. It helps to close the gap between many employees working for small companies which do not have the ability to set up an internal retirement plan for their workforce…Continue Reading