Here are five suggested articles to read this weekend:
1. More Young Participants Committing 401k Faux Pas – Early withdrawals from 401ks and other retirement accounts are on the rise among younger Americans, many of whom seem to have a skewed perception of what it takes to retire successfully. (401kspecialistmag.com)
2. Advisors Gaining Access To Clients’ Digital Assets – Financial advisors have always had to push clients to keep wills and estate plans up to date. In today’s online world, advisors have an added duty: to make sure that if a client dies his or her digital assets are in order and accessible. (fa-mag.com)
3. How The Dunning-Kruger Effect Holds Good Financial Advisors Back – The “Imposter Syndrome,” which affects professionals across industries and at every stage of their careers, is relatively common and refers to the tendency many have to doubt their own abilities and accomplishments, and results in the fear of being “found out” as a fraud (even if the reality is that they really are a bona fide expert!). (Nerd’s Eye View | Kitces.com)
4. 401(k) advisers see student loan benefits as next ‘evolution’ – IRS points way toward coupling repayment programs with employer retirement plans. (investmentnews.com)
5. Duke University Charged in Second 403(b) Plan Lawsuit– While the first lawsuit focused on excessive recordkeeping, administrative and investment fees, the new lawsuit focuses specifically on the university’s practices with regard to revenue sharing. (plansponsor.com)