Larkspur Executive Can Create Analytical Direct Mail Letters

  1. Automate your direct mail packages
  2. Contact the Client Success team to build your own templates
  3. Here’s how to create direct mail in just a few clicks
  4. Rixtrema’s financial planning software platform streamlines marketing and analysis

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Save time when running a direct mail campaign. With just a few clicks, Larkspur Executive allows you to create consistently compelling marketing letters for direct mail prospects. This can streamline your marketing process and help you improve your marketing language through consistency.

By using Larkspur Executive’s direct mail tool you can contact multiple key executives in a matter of minutes and this efficiency will increase your chances of success.

Automate your direct mail packages

Preparing analytical documents for direct mail prospecting used to be a time consuming process in the paper-age. If your financial advisory firm is large enough to support an assistant then it is easier, but they may not prepare a document that highlights the most startling information first. Reprinting costs can accumulate rapidly, but Larkspur Executive’s Direct Mail tool is an efficient, streamlined marketing process that produces personalized and consistent letters.

Contact the Client Success team to build your own templates

If you use a personalized template and have already uploaded a logo, then this process is only 5 clicks to create a personalized, consistent direct mail letter. The document will download in a pdf format to your downloads folder. Simply print the document, attach a cover page if you prefer and you have a marketing report that is simple yet presents the most compelling information to your prospect. Your time is better spent speaking with clients rather than proofreading marketing reports.

Here’s how to create direct mail in just a few clicks

1. Open a plan sponsor and click on the arrow to drop down the Direct Mail option (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Click the arrow to drop down the Direct Mail option

2.Choose the executive you wish to address (Figure 2)

Figure 2: Click the name of the executive you wish to contact

3. Select the appropriate template, either one of ours or your own customized template. (Figure 3). 

Figure 3: Select template or contact our Client Success team to upload your own

4. Generate a PDF with customized reports (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Select your reports, upload a logo, and you’re on your way to sending a beautiful letter-min


5.Customize PDF with your own logo and choose the appropriate reports (Figure 4).

6.Create PDF and print (Figure 4).

Rixtrema’s financial planning software platform streamlines marketing and analysis

By using Larkspur Executive’s direct mail tool you can contact multiple key executives in a matter of minutes and this efficiency will increase your chances of success. You will be able to increase contact volume without compromising quality or personalization. In combination with our retirement planning software, 401k Fiduciary Optimizer, the direct mail and CTML tools can take your marketing to another efficiency level. Please reach out to us at (212) 513-7070 to learn about this new feature or any of our other financial planning software. You can read more about our tools and investing ideas at our blog, [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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