5 Articles for the Financial Advisor Weekend Reading List: December 15-16, 2018
Here are five suggested articles for financial advisors to read this weekend:
1. Post DOL Fiduciary Rule Regulatory Challenges – The DOL Fiduciary Rule is dead. All we know is that something will replace it, someday. Maybe. According to a recent article, that leaves advisors in a state of regulatory uncertainty.
2. 10 Litigation Lessons for 401k Fiduciaries – If you are a plan fiduciary looking to avoid (or win) future lawsuits over fees and investments, there are lessons to be learned from recent decisions and settlements about the best ways to protect yourself in 2019.
3. Pros and Cons of Completing a Rollover Before Year-End – For many individuals, their 401(k) makes up the bulk of their retirement savings, yet with an average of just over 10 job changes through one’s career, it’s not uncommon for people to have multiple (potentially expensive and restrictive) employer-sponsored retirement plans.
4. Americans Optimistic About Their Financial Prospects for 2019 – Americans’ top three financial goals for the New Year are to save more, cited by 48%, to pay down debt (29%) and spend less (15%), according to the 10th Annual Fidelity Resolutions Study.
5. Prepare Portfolios for the End of the Cycle – Each year, we ring out the old with resolutions for the new. If only the global economy followed the same rule.