5 Articles for the Financial Advisor Weekend Reading List: January 5-6, 2019
Here are five suggested articles for financial advisors to read this weekend:
1. When Skynet Runs Beauty Contests: Watch Out! – When reading the headlines of today’s financial press, which has more and more turned into infotainment, it is easy to forget why we as a society actually invest in the first place.
2. Great Deleveraging and Market Panic: Are We There Yet? – Clearly, stock market feels different now than it did at any point over the last few years. In this note we will look at two important indicators to understand if we are facing a market rout or merely a correction.
3. How To Better Attract Your Ideal Clients By Crafting A Specific Client Persona To Market To – Arguably, the hardest thing for most financial advisors is not just learning their craft, but rather generating leads and finding new prospective clients to get in front of in the first place.
4. How 401k Fiduciaries Performed in 2018 – In 2018, were fiduciaries better at planning or implementing? Did fiduciaries demonstrate a greater capacity for character and accountability (driving procedural justice and moral and ethical decision-making), or situational awareness and adaptability (driving social astuteness)?
5. How to Oversee 401k Plan Vendors – How to oversee 401k plan vendors can be a confusing task for many plan fiduciaries.