Growing your 401(k) business is about delivering value, plain and simple. If you demonstrate unique value in your proposal by optimizing costs and benefits of a retirement plan, then you can easily justify your fees. But what do you with that great analysis when CFO doesn’t respond? This is why we released Larkspur Executive, a joint effort by the newly merged RiXtrema & Larkspur. The database contains 1.2+ million plan executives with social network profiles, other contact information and a way to find your warm lead in the company.
Here is the package:
- 401kFiduciaryOptimizer: Become a Trusted Plan Advisor By Creating Science-Based Savings For Audited Plans
- Larkspur Planisphere: Impress Plan Sponsors By Knowing More Financial Information About the Plan Than They Do
- Larkspur Executive: Contact Warm Leads & Decision Makers Immediately In a Database of 1.2+ Million Plan Executives
The advisor interest in these tools is remarkable, as evident in the number of demo requests.
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