The Ask:
Our clients are always asking us to develop new solutions to help them contact the right person in the company they’re prospecting. Getting in touch with the decision makers requires scouring social networks, trying to obtain e-mails and cold calling. Moreover, when cold calling it can be difficult to get past gate keepers.
What can be done? How can an advisor get in touch with the right people and be more successful in contacting a plan sponsor?
The Problem:
There is a lot of publicly available data on the web, but there is no guarantee that it’s correct and often it is out of date. You may have to go to many sources to find a way to contact the right person, and cold calling may not be the best way to approach a company.
The Solution:
The solution is a multi-pronged approach that assembles different communication avenues into a single source. We have implemented a key executive dashboard into our Larkspur Executive product to help identify and find a way to communicate with the right decision makers.
First, after you’ve found the plan that looks good for you, go to the Summary section, and expand Executives tab by clicking on the Show More Contacts button:
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