Videos are becoming the most impactful way to reach out to potential prospects regardless of the niche or field you’re working in. Give you an idea just how important they are in today’s digital marketing landscape lets take a look at just a few statistics and general research from 2018:
- More video content is uploaded in 30 days than the major U.S. television networks have created in 30 years.
- 85% of the US internet audience watches videos online.
- The 25-34 (millennial) age group watches the most online videos and men spend 40% more time watching videos on the internet than women.
- 59% of executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic, they are more likely to choose video.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you need more convincing facts on the importance of video be sure to read 37 Staggering Video Marketing Statistics for 2018. Clearly, when it comes to online marketing video is king!

Source: https://research.hubspot.com/charts/branded-video-is-preferred
Making your video
If by now you are convinced that online video marketing is the way to go. Your first step is to determine what topic you want to focus on. At first it may seem difficult to get started however if you break down the steps on creating the video it will soon become second nature. For example, if you are looking to attract millennials or the younger generations, your videos should focus on what you can offer to them. This can either be a how to sketch, a success story, important information about investing or a cartoon about a hypothetical family like in the video below:
As you grow in your video creation process you can try various types of video and perform a/b testing on which videos work best. This article only lists a few examples but online resources provide an endless list of ideas that are tested and that will work.
Once you have picked your topic and written a script its time to choose a platform on which to make your video. Below are just 5 examples of video creation options online.
Bonus Tip: Larkspur-RiXtrema clients are offered a complimentary video with their order of fintech tools!
Ready, Set…Promote.
You can have the best video in the world, however if its not promoted online, the chances of it being productive and bring in business are roughly zero. Here are some steps to take once your video is ready to go out.
1. Post on social platforms. Of course you need to start with Youtube, especially considering it has over a billion users and almost one-third of total internet users. With that in mind facebook is not far behind in the video competion. Just take a look at these growing numbers:

Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/video-marketing2
2. Share! This can be either by going to influencers that can impact you target audience, launching videos in an email or online newsletter campaign or running paid ad campaigns on facebook, youtube twitter etc. See more below:
Source: https://www.emarketer.com/Chart/Effectiveness-of-Select-Video-Marketing-PlatformsTechnologies-According-Marketers-Worldwide-Dec-2017-of-respondents/215987
3. See what works for you. In the above chart we can see overall effectiveness, yet when you get to a more specific point and segment your audience you will draw your own conclusions on what works best. Capitalize on your research and direct your time and budget there.
Bonus tip: Don’t forget to have your videos on your landing page and generating a call to action to your prospects.
Final thoughts and a few of our own examples.
All of the above stats and practically all of online research points to the the fact that videos will only continue to grow in popularity and retain their importance as a top online marketing tool. But just like any tool, it is important to know how to utilize them. In my next post I will discuss how to use Youtube to your advantage as a financial advisor. In the meantime, here are a few Larkspur-RiXtrema videos: