Larkspur Executive Special Offer Starts Today: Win More Plans Than Ever Before!
Competition is getting ever tighter for financial advisors in the retirement plan space. With so much at stake, you cannot afford to use the same data and tools as everyone else. Your process is unique and you need unique tools to reflect that. As announced last week, Larkspur Executive is getting released today. Not only does it have up-to-date information about 850K+ ERISA plans, but Executive also gives you ways to contact more than 1.2 million plan executives. No other tool does that. In addition Larkspur Executive provides key ratings for virtually every plan in the country measured against a customizable benchmark peer group.
Imagine being able to quickly search for thousands of plans in any zip code and having executive names and contact information at your fingertips. You can reach plan executives and have unique diagnostics on their plan and plan’s peers ready to go.
Larkspur Executive includes 24/7 support to help you succeed. Executive also includes Plan of the Week service – a top prospect plan sent exclusively to your inbox every week with full analysis. Only two days left on the special offer!