![Why You Need a Lifestyle CRM final Part 2](https://rixtrema.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Why-You-Need-a-Lifestyle-CRM-final-Part-2-min.png)
- The Lifestyle Marketing Platform with CRM
- What Part of Your Work or Life Suffers?
- Brave New World: How it Affects You
- A Radical Idea – the Marketing Platform with the CRM that Sells on Autopilot?
The Lifestyle Marketing Platform with CRM
In a prior blog, we explained to you why the sales and marketing process for financial advisors is broken. You can read the first part HERE.
What Part of Your Work or Life Suffers?
So, where do you get those hours to set up good online marketing? You take them away from doing the important client work i.e. what you get paid for. Or you take it away from the rest of your life i.e. family. So, there are hundreds of thousands of advisors who spend significant time and money performing the same tasks to grow their business. Should you be spending time on that? Some advisors rely on sheer force of networking, calling, referrals and avoid online marketing altogether (not a wise strategy today when 75% of all marketing is digital).
Brave New World: How it Affects You
Whether you like it or not (and we certainly do not), in the post-pandemic environment many people do not want take meetings. It is lamentable. But lament will not grow your business. You need to act and become a digital marketing pro. Am I suggesting that you spend thousands of dollars and months to learn online marketing strategy? Not really.
A Radical Idea – the Marketing Platform with the CRM that Sells on Autopilot?
But who said it had to be that way? We at RiXtrema decided to radically change what marketing tech and CRM can do. The CRM should be a sales and marketing tool! It should allow you to create marketing campaigns with a couple of clicks. It should create landing pages at will and send leads generated from those landing pages right to your CRM. CRM should be semi-automatic, using the best technology to send great content to your prospects, notify you when they interact with your content, so you can follow up right away (following up within minutes brings nearly 400% higher chance of a sale). It should contain all the data from all of your analytics tools, so you can use them to win new business or upsell.
So, we decided to create a Lifestyle CRM. It is not just a CRM; it is a sales and a marketing machine. It turns you into an online marketing pro without any training and with a moderate investment. Here is what it will include:
- Customized Targeted Marketing Letters (CTML): A Lifestyle CRM can use variables from every lead and embed them into the email making it look custom. We are not just talking about adding a name, this could be anything. A note about the area they live in, the appropriate strategy for their age, anything.
- Marketing Campaigns: Ability to set up marketing email campaigns that consist of dozens of emails sent over weeks and months to convince your prospect that you are a great fit. Email campaigns is how top marketers sell their services online. It works on autopilot, while you work on the important things or spend time with family.
- Marketing Quizzes: The Lifestyle CRM contains the ability to send out self-assessments to your prospects. These self-assessments may be called “What is Your Retirement Plan’s #1 Killer?” or “What is Your Portfolio Investment Type?”. They are meant to be educational, but ultimately the prospect can ask for an appointment to learn how you can help. And yes, it is directly connected to the CRM!
- Landing Pages: Most advisors have subpar websites. But the biggest problem is that they are static. A Lifestyle CRM from RiXtrema allows you to create any number of custom landing pages to target different audiences. The goal of the landing page is to get the lead to take a specific step of setting up time with you. And landing pages can actually be customized based on marketing quiz answers!
- VideoLeadz: A tool that allows prospects to contact you immediately when they are ‘hot to buy’ i.e. have an immediate problem that you can solve
- Ready Made Leads: We included over 2 Million leads with detailed information for your prospecting efforts. We included contact information, information about their interests.
- And Finally – the Lifestyle CRM Itself! All of these marketing tools are fed directly into the proper Customer Relationship Management platform that is now connected to all your marketing and sales activities. With no extra work on your part! Now you understand why we call it the Lifestyle CRM.
The Lifestyle CRM will be launched in only a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for your special offer to dominate competition in the online game!