Our advisor clients asked for it, and we answered: RiXtrema’s Portfolio Crash Test Pro integrates with Wealthbox.
Wealthbox is a CRM designed to help financial advisors organize workflows around their clients. Wealthbox is a fintech firm experiencing outstanding growth among financial professionals because of its many time-saving features.
With Wealthbox’s success and popularity among our clients, it’s natural that RiXtrema should integrate its premier risk-assessment tool, Portfolio Crash Test Pro, into Wealthbox’s CRM.
The combination of PCT Pro with Wealthbox helps all of our clients be more efficient, spend less time doing administration work, and have more time to spend with clients.
Here’s how PCT Integrates with Wealthbox
First, from the navigation panel, click “add integration” (Figure 1).

Second, Click “Connect CRM” to bring up a list of CRM Connections (Figure 2).

Then, enter your Wealthbox login info. That’s it!
Once integrated with Wealthbox, your notes in PCT Pro will match with your client’s information in Wealthbox.
Here’s how your notes will appear in Wealthbox
To add a note, click on the 3-dot icon next to a client and enter the information you need to remember (Figure 4). That note will now appear next to the client information in Wealthbox.

Integration and keeping your notes consistent between PCT Pro and Wealthbox will help you maximize both software platforms. It saves you time that is better spent talking to clients.
Wealthbox offers a 30-day trial of its product and free integration from other CRM platforms.
You can learn more about this integration by watching Yon Perullo’s Webinar with Wealthbox.
Click HERE to watch the Webinar on PCT Integration.
If you have any questions about integration in Portfolio Crash Test Pro, please contact our Client Success Team at clientsuccess@rixtrema.com