5 Articles for your weekend reading list: September 8-9, 2018
Here are five suggested articles to read this weekend:
1. What are Unitized Model Portfolios and Why Should 401k Advisors Care? – Unitized model portfolios are getting an increased amount of attention from advisors who want to “take target-date funds to the next level,” according to Kent Peterson, Vice President with Securian Financial. (401kspecialistmag.com)
2. Millions of Workers Continue to Save for Retirement Through 401k Plans – The Investment Company Institute (ICI) is celebrating National 401(k) Day this week by highlighting the strength of 401(k) plans used by tens of millions of workers to save for their futures. (ici.org)
3. The Latest In Financial Advisor #FinTech (September 2018)– Welcome to the September 2018 issue of the Latest News in Financial Advisor #FinTech – where we look at the big news, announcements, and underlying trends and developments that are emerging in the world of technology solutions for financial advisors and wealth management! (Nerd’s Eye View | Kitces.com)
4. SEC-registered advisers continue riding the fee-based wave – Report provides a glimpse of the RIA universe under the SEC’s new disclosure rules. (investmentnews.com)
5. Retention Practices: Fiduciary Records Are (Almost) Forever – From time to time I get questions from clients about how long they should maintain plan records. Lately these questions have been more narrowly focused. The question now is how long should fiduciary records be kept. (fiduciaryplangovernance.com)