Case Study: How to Identify High Net Worth Leads in Your Area
The Ask
Our client has a broad list of potential prospects available to search from through our Prospects of Wealth 2.0 database, but they want to be able to narrow down this massive list into a more refined list. For example, they specifically may want to offer their services to prospects with a large amount of savings that are approaching retirement soon.
The Problem
Narrowing down your results from an extremely large database (POW 2.0 has over 4 million leads!), can be a daunting process. How can you begin to refine your list so you can have an easily workable set of leads to go from? If you want to be able to narrow your leads down to those that are soon to be approaching retirement, you’ll need to search by their ages, not to mention only tracking down those with an appropriate amount in assets.
The Solution
In our Prospects of Wealth 2.0, we’ve created a database that can easily be searched by a large variety of different parameters.
In the screenshot above, you can see a sample of some of the different parameters available. For our purposes, I’ve gone ahead and checked a few to help our client narrow down their list to relevant leads. We are specifically searching for men between the ages of 55 and 65 with an estimated net worth of $500,000 to $1,500,000. Additionally I’m also looking for homeowners and only for leads with ready contact info available including phone numbers and emails.
Using these specific parameters, our client will be able to easily filter down a highly-targeted list of new leads in their area ready for a new prospecting campaign.
Watch a short video to learn more about Prospects of Wealth 2.0 and be sure to request a free demo here or by clicking on the banner below: