When it comes to email marketing, always keep it simple.
For example, here is your first email:
Two quick questions
What are we doing right? How can we improve?
Send this to your existing clients, add it to a previous message or send it as a separate email.
Then comes the responses, this will solve a number of things for you.
Content ideas
If they are interested in a particular topic, write more about it. Also this indicates that they trust you on the topic in question.
When they respond take note of the language they use, it’s important for your target market. This is key. Don’t delay, write a blog straight away based on the responses.
Subject lines
The subject line determines if the body of the email is read at all. You can get inspiration from your responses, again by focusing on the language and terms they use.
- Send the email
- Note the responses
- Create content*
*programs like Lumen5 allow you to create content quickly. You can even record yourself talking into your smartphone, just use the audio or transfer to a content creation service. Blog, audio, video, that’s three pieces of content.
Unlike in the past when everything took a long time, this is the kind of content you can create every week. Also the more responses you get, the more content you can create.
Where can we improve?
Why is this such an important question? It appeals to the people who like to complain. In the online marketing world, people who like to complain are the biggest upsell opportunities. People who don’t care, don’t respond. Complainers care. They’re disappointed and you have to figure out why. Fix it and show them that you care. Upsell them if they are still clients or bring them back if they’ve left. Their complaints are also content ideas. If people are not happy with something, work out why and write about it, make a video. You know the drill.
Stop! Think for a minute.
How much content have you come up with so far in this exercise?
Zero, right?
Notice that all this content is 100% user driven.
With this simple two question email you can really hone in on what matters most to people, and create engaging content from it.
30 responses= 30 blog posts, videos, even podcasts.
That’s a whole year’s worth of content, from one email.
So don’t delay, the email is written for you, send it now!