You can spend $10-15K on a fancy website, maybe a grand on SEO with little to no results; and yet your competitor, armed only with an email subscriber list, of 1000 people, could be leaving you for dust.
Social media apps fall in and out of favour, Emails are eternal. Well, not quite, but you have to admit, the last time you changed your email in the past 20 years was once, from Hotmail to Gmail.
Why email is so important?
It is a one-to-one conversation, but it needs to be interesting. The average attention span is around 8 seconds, for context a goldfish can concentrate for 10.
However, even if someone only opens 10% of your emails, with valuable content you can build reciprocity and a responsive client base.
The most important thing to start with is a list, it can be as little as 50 people. So gather your clients, former clients, even your grandmother and start sending out content.
Follow the 80/20 rule.
80% Content- Any video, text you produce to grow your business but doesn’t do so explicitly.
20% Sales Pitch- Selling your product/service explicitly.
Valuable Content → Sales → Success
It won’t take much of your time, and the potential ROI is huge!
Find out more about how to improve your email marketing game, here.