
July 2019

Case Study: Understanding Risk Capacity

Oftentimes, an investor may be especially averse to risk on an emotional level, but their need to take more risk in order to reach investment goals may be lost on them. Advisors need a way to reconcile this concept to their clients. How do you make a client understand this relationship between risk and return in a constructive way?

How Target Date Defaults Affect Equity Allocation Exposure

Money market funds used to be common default investments for 401k plans. More recently, it is becoming more common for target date funds to be the default investment of choice. While it might make more sense to use a TDF as a default, How Target Date Defaults Affect Equity Allocation Exposure takes an interesting look at the unintended consequences.

More Lawsuits Mean Even More Problems for Stubborn Plan Sponsors

Excessive fee lawsuits now are a common occurrence throughout the financial industry. Every week you can hear about a major university or company pension plan being sued by the participants. However, the one thing that keeps on surprising us is the stubbornness of the plan sponsors to understand during the committee meetings that their duty of loyalty is to the employees, not to the company.